I am humbled you have an interest in me.
I am an ordinary wife and mother. So ordinary I find it hard to know what to say about myself. I’m just me. I long to be many things, but that’s not who I am, yet.
Most important to know is that I have a growing passion to know God, our loving Creator. He is so much better than I know. Better than I can imagine. It is wonderful to get to know Him better, to witness His faithfulness, mercy and grace. What I learn I feel I must share. This is why I write. I want you to benefit from my lessons learned, my thoughts and inspirations, and hard as it is, my failures.
Next I am a wife. My husband is my best friend and greatest fan. I would not be what I am without his unconditional love and support. We rejoice that we have grown together through our trials and hard times rather than apart.He is more vital to me than ever.

Mothering is all inclusive and somewhat consuming. My three are 13 and 15 months apart for a total of 28 months from oldest to youngest. They grow far too quickly and their time under my care is far too short. I have always felt called to educate my children as part of raising them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. I have learned that this was just as much for the shaping of my faith and character as for theirs.
I have been blessed to live in the beautiful state of Alaska on our own 5 acres. We can see some mountains from home and many more as we go about our daily lives. I love that the sun rises later in the winter so I can enjoy more sunrises and sunsets. I also love the long summer nights, especially when bedtime doesn’t really matter.
I grow and struggle and fail and repent, not always as soon as I’d like. In rare moments of free time, I write. I enjoy creating things. I knit or crochet while my children work on their studies and even while I read to them sometimes. I like to doodle and paint or draw. I love to capture memories by writing them down or scrapbooking. I am far better at planning than following through.
I thought I’d be grown up by now. Now I just see I have father to go. I am more determined to cherish the journey and my fellow travelers.
Please join me on my journey.